Did you know that the first Mac computer was offered on the market way back in 1984? The Macintosh computer has come a very long way since then, and revolutionized the computer industry along the way!
Decades ago, computers of all kinds were a lot more buggy. The software and hardware components were all highly susceptible to failure. In some cases, it felt like you could hardly touch them without something going wrong.
Fortunately, the Mac computer today is a precision piece of technology. The Mac computer is now experiencing far fewer glitches than before. At the same time, when a Mac battery’s not charging, it’s important to know how to fix it. Apple Mac users can face
Mac battery not charging? Read on to learn all about some of the reasons that a Mac battery might not be charging and what you can do to fix it!
Mac Computer Recalls
If your Mac computer is not working, whether because it is not charging or in some other way, it is possible that it is part of a damaged series of computers. Occasionally, Apple has issued recalls on some of its models. In fact, sometimes these recalls are issued specifically because the problem that the computers had was charging their batteries.
The last recall that Apple issued was in 2019. It recalled certain MacBook models which customers bought between 2015 and 2017. If you have a Macbook from what time, then it is possible that it is defective.
You can find out if your MacBook was part of the recall by visiting the Apple service program. Just enter the serial number of your computer and read the resulting message. It will either tell you that your MacBook is fine, or that it was subject to recall and that you are eligible for a replacement MacBook.
Unpowered Outlets
When a Mac charger’s not working, sometimes it is not the charger at all that is at fault. It is always possible that it is the specific outlet that you are using that is suffering from a defect.
Before you take any more drastic measures, it is worth taking 30 seconds to check that the outlet you are using is still providing power. Simply find another device that you know works fine. Plug it into the outlet and see if the outlet is providing power as usual.
If not, then you need a new outlet, not a new Mac or computer charger. This does not happen that often, but it is worth checking since it is so fast and easy to do so.
Damaged Cables
When a Mac’s not charging, it could be due to defects in the computer, the cord, the adapter, or the outlet. We have already discussed the possibility of a broken Outlet, so next, we will look at the possibility of malfunctioning cables.
Sometimes you can detect damage to your Mac charging cable just by looking at it. If you see unusually sharp bends in it, or any broken pieces or exposed wires, then there is a good chance that what you need is a new cable.
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On the other hand, many types of damage are invisible to the naked eye. So how can you figure out if the cable is functioning then?
If you can get your hands on another cable temporarily, then you can see if it will charge your Mac. If it does, then you know that it was your cable that was the broken part of the system. You may be able to borrow a cable from a friend or visit an Apple Store to do so.
In some cases, the charging cable can still function well even when it has exposed wires. But if you notice this, then even a functioning cable can be dangerous. Make sure you cover any exposed wires with electric tape and consider getting a new cable all together!
Blocked Ports
The next possible culprit when a Mac Pro’s not charging is the port in your computer. The charging cable attaches to your computer through this port.
Look carefully inside the port for any debris. if you find any, then you should clean it out. You can either blow it out or use something small like a toothpick or toothbrush to clear everything out of it.
If you don’t find anything, then the problem may be something else.
Defective Mac Battery Adapters
The battery adapter is the part of the charging system that plugs directly into the wall. In the case of Apple computers, it can generally be detached from the cable. It is subject to malfunctioning like any other piece of technology.
Examine your adapter for any physical damage. If possible, find another adapter to test out. If everything looks fine, then the problem may be something else.
The power adapter can sometimes become too hot. It processes a lot of electrical power in order to keep your laptop charged.
That is why it is important to keep it in a well-ventilated area. That means keeping out from under blankets or other things that might seal in heat.
If your adapter recently got too hot, it is possible that it shut itself off in order to avoid becoming more damaged. In such cases, let it cool off and see if it will begin to function again.
Mac Battery Not Charging? Now You’re Prepared
Gone are the days of worrying because of your mac battery not charging. Technology is continuing to progress, and problems like this are happening less and less. At the same time, the constant updates to the state of technology mean that people need to learn new ways to troubleshoot malfunctioning items.
If you are interested to know how to get the maximum speed possible out of your Mac or optimize its storage capacity, then check out our other article! If you are facing any other start up issues with Apple Mac, you can read our article on resolving some of the most common Apple Mac startup issues.