The thought of teaching online creates many ideas in the heads of teachers. What will I do? What materials do I need? These are just some of the questions that might arise in the mind of an educator faced with teaching and managing an online course. Although some might fear or worry about the prospect, there are reasons to be optimistic since there is a multitude of materials online (more than anyone could ever sort through) and this creates a great situation for the teacher and student alike since much of the stress of the process has already been taken away and thus all the attention can be given to the course material and learning objectives. Here are some helpful learning tools.
1. PDF Editors
PDF editors are extremely useful when preparing and teaching an online course. Some popular ones are LuminPDF and Adobe Acrobat. These remote teaching tools can be used especially with pre-made formats to help create structure in the classroom. Teachers can make quizzes, syllabi, and any other type of document that might be needed when conducting a course online. Remote teaching, when done efficiently, can be less time-consuming than classroom-based learning with access to the right material.
2. Online Communication Tools
In recent years, there has been a well-spring of online communications tools created that fill a variety of niches and needs. Teachers can communicate with students via e-mail or through an instant messaging service like WhatsApp or Telegram. In addition to this many virtual classrooms are being taught using Zoom, Google Meets, and Skype. These online video communication tools are valuable resources for a teacher since they can be used to create a sense of open communication and a better atmosphere that instills confidence in the student and teacher. Virtual teaching through these online communication tools is the new norm and the only thing left to do is choose amongst all the options.
3. Online Whiteboards
Online whiteboards are very new and trendy online learning tools which take some of the best parts of in-person learning and put them in an online format. With an online whiteboard, the teacher can write notes, show how to write equations, or even play games on a virtual whiteboard or blackboard. This allows for a lot of interactivity as well as fun since it creates a more immersive atmosphere for the students. Teachers with access to an online whiteboard will find their ability to teach and make presentations and lesson plans increase greatly.
4. Work Planning Tools
Like with any ongoing project, a teacher needs to create a proper framework for success and that of course includes time management and work planning. Keeping an organized class is not just helpful, it is generally part of an educator’s job description so it is critical to keep organized both with time and with the lesson plans. There are many tools available online to assist with this. One of the most popular is of course Google Calendar which can be used to keep schedules and will give you reminders about activities, lessons, and events that need to be taken care of.
5. Social Media Channels
Social media has become a major part of everyone’s life and that includes education. For teachers, social media can be both a blessing and a curse since it can be a distraction for students but it also has the benefit of being a very useful tool of communication for everyone in the class. It can be very helpful to have some chat groups like a WhatsApp group chat for example or a Facebook page where people can post material or share ideas with each other in order to improve understanding. This carries with it the added benefit of creating a more social atmosphere where students can interact and engage.
6. Document Management Tools
Teachers have a lot of documents. That is known of course, but there is always the issue of how to manage them in an effective way that is beneficial to both the teacher and the students. Some document management teaching tools include simple things such as G-Suite or Microsoft Office, which can help a teacher sort all the different documents and file them well for later use.
7. Online Video Tools
Some teachers like to use videos as a way of teaching and this can of course be very useful when done correctly. Videos related to subject material can be something not only educational, but also fun for the students, since it might give them a break from other more routine work they might face. Online video platforms like YouTube offer a diverse array of videos on a million subjects. In addition to this such sites can also be used for hosting student-made content which gives the opportunity to be creative for teachers and students.
8. Online Quiz Makers
Creating quizzes and exams can be daunting, but there are online tools that can help with that as well. Sites like Quizlet offer a series of quizzes and information which can help students prepare for exams and assist the teacher in identifying weaknesses. Besides quiz-making, many of these sites often employ online flashcards. This online teaching tool is great because the teacher or even the student can make their custom material to study with. While most online teaching courses have their exams based on a set curriculum that is not always the case and these online quiz makers can be a great asset in such a circumstance.
9. Online Homework Platforms
As much as students do not like homework (most anyway) that does not mean the whole process of making homework needs to be laborious for the teacher as students often claim to feel while doing said homework. There are online resources to help assist teachers in creating homework, such as Super Teacher Worksheets, which offers online worksheets that can also be printed and worked on at home. They are not the only platform of course that offers this teaching resource so look around to see what tools and resources are there that can be used to help teachers teach and students learn.