So much has changed about the digital technology, more so social media. The power of social media had for a long time been underestimated. Social media platforms were only made useful for sharing photos with siblings who were abroad and hilarious video. However, its power has been realized, and social media platforms have been incorporated […]
How Social Media Negatively Impacts Body Image
Social networks are an important part of everyday life. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other media, where people share their photos and life experiences ‘content, can no longer be considered the cause of the disconnection of people. Despite the popularity of the social displacement theory, people no longer face its negative impact on social and communication […]
How to Repost Instagram from the Desktop
Social media can be exciting, especially when you can share posts and photos. On Twitter, all you have to do is retweet, while on FaceBook, you get to share the post and have conversations about your opinions on things. Instagram is also a popular social media outlet for people to showcase things that they want […]
Social Media Marketing with Instagram – 4 Things to Know
Nowadays, marketing is not just about advertising on TV or print. With a simple social media account, you have the opportunity to reach a wide variety of potential customers and clients. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. You rarely see a celebrity, brand influencer or even a business without their […]
How to Curate Social Media Content
It is well known that sharing your personal content is not efficient enough in marketing your brand. Your potential customers will want a guarantee that you can offer invaluable content irrespective of the source. This is where the role of content curation comes in handy. Here is what you did not know about effective social […]
3 Up and Coming Trends You Should Know About Social Media
When social media networks were developed more than a decade ago, they were only intended for helping people keep in touch with friends and their loved ones. The story has now changed. Social media has actually evolved to become a marketing platform that can’t be ignored. The evolutions have been driven by trends that develop […]
5 Ways Social Media Marketing Can Enhance Your Company Website
Companies and organizations are always trying to position themselves ahead of their competitors in the volatile and ever-changing business world. They are employing a number of strategies just to ensure that they capture more clients and deliver the right products and services. One of the tools being used is the website that helps communicate the […]
Power of Twitter – How to use this Social Media correctly
You know that your online marketing program is only going to be as good as the social networking techniques you use to drive users to your web page, but you also probably know that incorporating these techniques can sometimes be difficult. Here we are going to explore the power of Twitter by learning about how […]
5 Ways to Enhance Your Business on Social Media
Social media has come as a blessing to businesses around the world. It provides exposure that was not there before with the traditional methods. Currently, there are many social media networks including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and Pinterest and every business want to join in. As such, businesses should use social media to their […]
Five Tips to Promote Yourself Online
The internet provides unlimited opportunities for an individual to market himself. Your success therefore depends on your skills required to promote yourself online as brand This is because the field has been leveled for everyone. The advantage of using the internet is that you are able to reach millions of people at a go. Besides […]