When a business is just starting out, it can be difficult to know how much money you’re going to make from one month to the next. You have two main choices in how you’re going to handle the software needs for your company. These choices can determine how easy it’s going to be when your […]
Developing apps around VMware vSphere made easy using vSphere Java
If you are building any VMware vSphere powered cloud based solutions or any other application around the vSphere virtualization suite, then it’s most likely that you will have a need to access or manage the virtual resources programmatically. One way to accomplish this is by making direct use of the standard VMware vSphere web service […]
Windows 8 and the Cloud- Is the future arriving a bit too soon?
Windows 8 is likely to be a major improvement in a lot of technical fields. The Windows 8 news and rumours, however, are also generating a lot of issues for the IT sector and users. The trouble is that the 128 bit operations may be a bit too good. If you’re currently using a 64 bit […]
Dangers of Relying only on Online Backup Service
While online backup services would seem to be the answer to all computer users’ data storage needs, in reality, they are not without their flaws and drawbacks. In fact, the fallibility of some online backup services has made some users wish they had instituted a second backup for more important files—even if only on less-trustworthy […]
From ‘*’ to just Java, Virtualization & Cloud Computing
Almost from last one year, I had not been able to post my thoughts on technology consistently at TechSagar. Since, I got bit busy with few other personal projects, I was not able to dedicate much time for blogging. Even when I had some free time, I spent most of it by watching some classic […]
Unisys enters the Cloud Computing arena with a ‘Secure Cloud’ offering
Unisys, the It Services & Solutions Company, today announced its entry into the Cloud computing arena with a unique solution called ‘Unisys Secure Cloud’. With cloud computing becoming one of the hottest buzzword in the industry, every other player seems to be working on their own Cloud strategy.