This is a guest post from Monik of Etiole. Monik is a 13 year old kid blogger from India. You can subscribe to his blog to receive the latest updates.
As Google has been dominating the internet from a long time, most of us will first think of targeting it to get some good traffic but, everyone doesn’t succeed to get the number one position out there. But I know people who have reached there and I have asked them few simple questions and now after having the answers, I am discussing them with you.
- As Google reads your sites Meta Tag (it’s somewhere after the head tag), it’s always good to add some keywords which actually describes your blog. (at least one keyword will do)
- Next comes the text. When you create a title for your post, be sure to include the main keywords in the text and also make sure that it is making use of the headline tags.
- Ensure that your post URL contains keywords. For e.g., if you are writing a post about creating a wordpress blog and having a great theme, then your URL should be something like
- You should have at least one link from your blog to your blog itself & the link text should contain some keywords.
- Whenever you add an image be sure to add a ALT tag with a short description about the picture. Here also you need to include the keywords. For e.g., – <img src=”image” alt=”the keyword”>
- Submitting your posts to social media sites like Digg, reddit can also help your posts to get indexed much faster.
These kinds of simple tricks can help your website to reach no.1 position but, all this won’t happen if you don’t have quality content.I have also written few other posts on how to increase traffic.
Write Posts on what you love and not what the world is talking about. Write posts which can express your thoughts and they should not be more than 40-50 lines, as the readers will start getting bored if it becomes lengthy. This will help you to bring some really good traffic, believe me, I have experienced it.