Social media can be exciting, especially when you can share posts and photos. On Twitter, all you have to do is retweet, while on FaceBook, you get to share the post and have conversations about your opinions on things. Instagram is also a popular social media outlet for people to showcase things that they want others to see. Unfortunately, reposting is not a feature that is readily available on Instagram. The greatest challenge has been how to repost Instagram pictures from a PC.
Find the Extension on Google Chrome
Google Chrome is one of the browsers you can use for reposting Instagram because it has an extension to make it easier for you to share Instagram posts. Find the customize and control button (three dots below the close button) and scroll down to settings. After clicking settings, look on the left side of the page and click on extensions.
Scroll down the page that loads then click on “Get more extensions”. On the search button, write “Ig Downloader” then search. You’ll find three Instagram extensions, InstaGRAM Downloader, Downloader for Instagram, and IG Images downloader. Click on Downloader for Instagram and click add to Chrome. You will receive a notification if the download is successful.
Go to Instagram to Confirm if the Extension Works
Log into Instagram using Google Chrome. Identify a post you would like to share. Remember, Instagram has a strict policy when it comes to sharing posts belonging to other people. If you want to share a post, you are required to request permission from the owner. This is done to ensure content creators, brands, photographers and businesses are protected from people who want to use images belonging to others for marketing without putting in the work.
You can seek consent by sending a direct message to the poster, comment on the image to initiate a conversation or send an email. Once your request is accepted, download the post.
Go to Your Profile to Repost
After downloading the photo, go to your profile and click on the camera icon to upload the image. Find the post among the documents you have downloaded. Open the image, and it will appear on your Instagram page. Click on settings you would like to make, then click next.
The caption box will appear above the post. If you’d like to write something about the post you are sharing, this is the time to do so. You may also choose this time to recognize the source of the post. Most people will permit you to repost on the condition you credit them as the original owners of the post. When done, click next to upload.
The repost now appears on your Instagram page. Reposting images is an excellent way of reaching more people, especially for companies focusing on social media marketing. The fact that Instagram does not have an automatic channel to share posts does not mean you restrict visual to your content to only the people who have liked your page.
If you use your smartphone and desktop to manage your Instagram account, knowing how to share posts using both devices is critical.